Royal opera house merchandise
Royal opera house merchandise

Send you updates via email about what’s on, offers and news or about supporting us – We rely on your consent for this.Contact you with important information relating to your booking or purchase, such as confirming your order, reminding you of an upcoming performance you’ve booked for or letting you know about cast changes or building works that may affect your visit - We rely on our legitimate interest of keeping you informed about your upcoming visit to the ROH.Provide the best possible customer service, to be able to answer your queries about your booking or purchase, and to help us with internal administration.(Please note that the ROH does not store any Credit Card or other payment information once the transaction has been completed.) To process payments - we rely on the performance of a contract with you.To fulfil ticket, merchandise, donation and membership requests - we rely on the performance of a contract with you.The Royal Opera House’s pop-up store will be located on James Street, just a short distance from Covent Garden Piazza. The exclusive Royal Opera House Harris Tweed will also feature on the latest Cambridge Satchel Company collaboration. The brand-new Royal Ballet clothing range will also be showcased in the pop-up, as well as scarves and cushions from renowned British textile artist Margo Selby. The store will also stock fine chocolate, tea and biscuit brands, along with stationery, ceramics, fragrances, and storybooks and toys for children.

royal opera house merchandise

Opening from November 18 through to Christmas Eve, the pop-up will stock Royal Opera House souvenirs alongside gift ideas for the festive season. The Royal Opera House is slated to open up its first ever pop-up store just in time for Christmas. The Royal Opera House is poised to open its very first pop-up store in time for Christmas // It will be located on James Street, just a short distance from Covent Garden Piazza // It will be open from November 18 through to Christmas Eve

Royal opera house merchandise